We connect expats and locals in several ways.

Career growth? Check!

Cultural and sport vibes? Absolutely!

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We’re the first and only platform that acts as a bridge in Leipzig between:

International and locals Individuals and a diverse range of educational and career opportunities

We are intertwining not only career paths, but also a wealth of cultural experiences.

Join our annual job fair

Our annual International Job Fair is the main place for you to expand your knowledge about the opportunities that Leipzig has to offer.

You can Connect with Leading Employers - prestigious companies across diverse industries actively seeking skilled professionals like yourself. Workshops, networking, and a deep dive into the job scene await.

jobfair flyer
April 17, 2024 | 14:00 – 20:00 h

International Leipzig job fair

The Leipzig International Job Fair in Westbad will be the epicenter of opportunities for Leipzig's international community and companies in the region looking for qualified talent. Hundreds of international jobseekers and several dozen employers from different sectors are expected.
There will be workshops and keynotes on international onboarding, artificial intelligence and more, as well as drinks at the bar and a networking area.

When? April 17, 2024, from 2pm to 8pm.

Where? Westbad Leipzig, Adress

But although work is very important, it is not everything!

Some of our events are themed around sports, dance, food, and culture.

These activities provide excellent opportunities to bridge cultures. Joining these groups, having a good time with like-minded individuals who embrace international openness, is vital for integrating into a new city and feeling more confident in it!

members at jobfair

International Leipzig is a rapidly growing initiative, gaining momentum quickly!

Stay tuned for updates via International Leipzig on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok so you don't miss out on upcoming events!

Join the COmmunity